is on of the Fashion Retail Garment company in Indonesian. We are looking for young, dynamic, self-motivated and dedicated persons to fill the following positions for its expanding marketing operation in Indonesia and Asia
alamat : Wahyudi/Shafira
Jl. Sulanjana No. 28
Bandung 40116 - West Java
wbsite : www.shafira.co.id
email contact : recruitment@shafira.co.id
syarat :
- Male / Female of maximum 27 years, single
- Graduate from S1: Komputer, Komputer Akuntansi and Informatika
- Exellent Excel, Reporting Service and Analysis Service
- Based in Bandung
pengalaman : tidak diutamakan
lokasi kerja : bandung
gaji : negotiable
Other position needed
syarat :
- Male / Female max. 25 years - Single and self assertiveness - Minimum education of D-3/S-1 Akuntansi, min. IPK 3,00
- Good command in English
- Preferably having Brevet A and B certification
- 2 years experience in Accounting Departement
- Based in Bandung
syarat :
- Female, age max. 30 years
- Creative and have good attention in detail
- Minimum education of D-3 Fashion Design
- Courageous and taking initiatives
- Not colorblind
- Team-working and work by target
- 2 years experience in garment industries or boutiqe ladies wear
- Based in Bandung
Masa berlaku
dibuka : 19 Februari 2009
ditutup : 12 Maret 2009
Notice : Put position code in your cv
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